Matched Unrelated Donor Transplantation
General Information
Bone 骨髓 transplantation can be performed using one's own bone 骨髓, called an autologous bone 骨髓 transplant, or by using another person's bone 骨髓, called an allogeneic bone 骨髓 transplant. 在任何个人情况下使用的骨髓移植类型是通过深入评估确定的,超出了本文的范围. 如果您对移植类型有疑问,建议在您的特殊情况下, you may consult a BMT doctor at UCSF for a full evaluation.
- 急性和慢性 白血病
- Non-Hodgkin's or Hodgkin's 淋巴瘤
- 再生障碍性贫血
- 多发性骨髓瘤
- 脊髓发育不良
- Several other malignant and non-malignant disorders
同种异体移植的一个重要组成部分是鉴定人类白细胞抗原(HLA)匹配的骨髓供体. 理想情况下,兄弟姐妹或其他家庭成员可以作为骨髓捐赠者. 然而, many patients do not have a suitable family member to serve as a donor.
For those patients without a family donor, 国家骨髓捐赠计划(NMPD)提供了一项定位hla匹配的非亲属捐赠者(MUD移植)的服务。. 目前, 在新民主党登记的志愿骨髓捐赠者约有500万人. 另外40人,000 new donors are added to the registry each month and the NMDP facilitates over 1,000 MUD transplants each year.
如果您或您的家庭成员对匹配的非亲属供体移植有疑问,您可以联系 UCSF Blood and Marrow Program, your local NMDP-approved transplant center or the National Marrow Donor Program. If you or a family member would like to become a bone 骨髓 donor, visit www.骨髓.org or call 1-800-MARROW-2 for more information.
UCSF的骨髓移植项目获得了NMDP的认证,以促进非亲属捐赠者的搜索和移植. 这个过程从一个简单的血液测试开始,旨在评估受体的HLA基因. 这个血液测试, 称为HLA分型, 识别位于细胞表面的抗原或蛋白质,这些抗原或蛋白质对免疫功能很重要.
Once the patient's HLA-type is known, a preliminary search can be performed. 初步搜索是一种计算机搜索,旨在识别具有相似HLA抗原的潜在骨髓捐赠者. A detailed report of the preliminary search is usually available within 24 hours. 初步搜索是免费的,在此阶段不联系捐赠者.
如果初步搜索成功地确定了潜在的捐赠者,并且接受者和十大赌博平台排行榜认为有必要进行不相关的移植, a formal search can be initiated. Only an NMDP-approved cancer center, like UCSF, can initiate a formal search. During this process, 联系潜在的献血者并获取血液样本以确认hla分型并进行其他筛选试验. 这些额外的血液检查更加专业化,旨在确定哪个供体是可能的最佳匹配.
Once the best donor is found and selected, 捐献人到nmdp批准的收集中心了解更多收集过程. 献血者将参加一个说明会,并进行全面的身体检查和更多的血液检查. 只要捐赠者通过了所有的检查,就可以确定移植的日期.
An unrelated donor search is a complex and time-consuming process. On average, it takes between three and six months to complete the searching process. 因此,当务之急是尽快开始不相关的搜索过程. 您可以咨询UCSF的BMT十大赌博平台排行榜,以确定是否以及何时应该启动不相关的搜索.
免疫系统的主要目标是保护身体免受细菌等异常或外来物质的侵害, viruses or even cancer cells. 免疫系统必须能够区分被称为“自我”的身体自身细胞和被称为“非自我”的其他物质." This is important so that the immune system doesn't fight its own normal cells, but rather specifically targets the abnormal cells or substances.
The HLA system provides the "self" signals necessary for proper immune function. The HLA genes encode antigens or proteins that rest on the surface of human cells. 这些蛋白质就像旗帜一样,让身体的免疫系统识别出这些物质是自己的. Foreign substances, without these flags, are recognized as non-self and are subject to an immune attack. 有许多不同的HLA抗原每个人都有自己独特的一套细胞表面蛋白(或标志).
When searching for a bone 骨髓 donor, 我们试图在供体和患者之间匹配六种特定的HLA抗原——六分之六的匹配. 目标是匹配供体和受体的免疫系统,使他们细胞表面的标志看起来相似. 因此, when the new donor immune system develops in the recipient's body, the new immune system will recognize the recipient's cells as self. 如果新的免疫系统识别出接受者的身体或细胞异常(换句话说), 它), the new immune system will fight the recipient's body. This is called graft-versus-host disease, in which the donor's immune system fights the recipient's body.
The better the match, the lower the chance of graft-versus-host disease. 然而, even when the donor and the recipient are matched at all six HLA-antigens, graft-versus-host disease can still occur. 其他基因可能对移植物抗宿主病很重要,需要更多的研究来加强我们的理解.
HLA分型需要配备有移植生物学和HLA基因分析专家的专门实验室. 这一过程可以识别供体和受体细胞中存在的HLA A、B、C和DR抗原. Each person has two types of A, B, C和DR抗原, one inherited from his or her mother and the other from the father.
现在对所有基因A、B、C和DR进行专门的高分辨率分子分型. This specific typing can sometimes take two to three weeks to complete. Once we have received donor samples at UCSF, we can perform this specialized typing. The goal is to locate the best possible match.
If you have any questions regarding HLA typing or results, contact your doctor or bone 骨髓 transplant coordinator.
Bone Marrow Transplant Coordinator
The bone 骨髓 transplant coordinator will supervise the HLA typing, 寻找过程和移植前对供体和受体的评估和测试. 骨髓移植协调员将掌握有关HLA搜索过程的最新信息. 如果有任何关于非亲属移植或骨髓捐赠过程的问题,您可以联系您的非亲属BMT协调员,电话:(415)353-2220.
Dr. 托马斯•马丁 supervises the unrelated searching process. He can be reached at (415) 353-2421.
加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.